1. BibleTelling Prison Ministry Opportunities

Date/Time: ongoing

Location: for existing or new Prison Ministries in Illinois (and other states)

Over the past ten years we have developed Language Olympics, an adult literacy program in which every lesson centers around a Bible story. This “inmate-helping-inmate” tutoring program is currently being used successfully in correctional centers in several states. It is non-denominational and suitable for prison inmates of any faith.

The course consists of six workbooks containing 30 lessons that take an individual from 1st grade up to 5th grade in reading ability. There is a strong foundation of phonics, spelling, and sight words. Old Testament Bible stories are used for reading practice.  

Our 28-min training video shows how the program works.

There is a great need to extend this Bible story-based, skill-building program to help inmates struggling with literacy. We need volunteers willing to work with us and receptive correctional center leaders to help inmates develop the critical literacy skill needed to help them find and keep jobs when they return home.

Please contact us for more info! 

2. BibleTelling Story Translation!

Date/Time: ongoing

Location: in your home or favorite Wi-Fi spot

An exciting part of our ministry is working with people who are translating BibleTelling stories into other languages. Perhaps you would like to join them.

We regularly receive requests for “All the Stories of the Bible” in other languages. It is clearly a tool for discipleship and evangelism. So, if you are fluent in another language, please pray about joining our translation team. You must be self-funded and passionate about equipping people with these great tools.

For more details, contact Anne@BibleTelling.com