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Street, City, State ZIP Country
Preferred Phone Number
BibleTelling Seminar Selection
Indicate whether you are registering for Israel Only or for both Israel and Jordan.
Enter your Passport Number
Enter your passport expiration date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Enter your passport issuance date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Enter the nationality of your passport. Passports for USA (and select other nations) do NOT require a Visa stamp for entry to Israel. If you have a passport from any other nation, you are responsible for getting any required Visa stamp prior to travel.
Person to contact Iin case of emergency.
Phone number to contact in case of an emergency
Housing Requirements
Please identify your hotel room preference. Identify any roommate in the next form field.
Ground Transportation from Normal, IL
Indicate whether you want to travel to/from O’Hare with the Calvary Baptist church group in Normal, IL.
Flight Reservations?
Indicate your flight reservation preference.
Airline Seating Class
REQUIRED if requesting flight reservations
Airline Seat
REQUIRED if requesting flight reservations
Airline Meal Requirements
REQUIRED if requesting flight reservations
REQUIRED if requesting flight reservations. Enter any Frequent Flyer Account Numbers.