The BibleTelling Trainers listed here are available to help others craft, learn, and tell Bible stories.

A few questions to ask when selecting a BibleTelling Trainer:

–  Do you have a reference list?
–  Do you have a recording of your storytelling?
–  How much do you charge for your training?
–  What equipment do you require for your presentation?

Phyllis Hostmeyer

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Storyteller, educator, published author – all of these words describe Phyllis Hostmeyer.  She has traveled throughout the United States and the world telling stories and providing professional development.  She was part of a team of professional tellers who traveled to Israel to do Bible tellings, but she also tells fables, wisdom tales, personal narratives, and rollicking rap versions of fairy tales.  Phyllis can design a storytelling program to meet your needs.  She is passionate about teaching the art of storytelling and has conducted workshops for churches, schools, retreat centers, conferences, and prisons.  Don’t expect a sausage workshop – one where you sit and she stuffs you full of knowledge.  Her workshops lead you gently into active participation so that you will dazzle yourself with your own brilliance and your ability to learn and tell stories.

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John Walsh

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John is the president of BibleTelling, Christian Storytelling Network, and International Learning Solutions. He has delighted audiences across America as well as several other countries with his skill in telling stories. His stories are truly unforgettable. John conducts BibleTelling training around the world, training pastors, teachers, and other Christian workers in the skill of learning, telling, and using Bible stories. Churches, seminars, and Bible colleges have used his book The Art of Storytelling (Moody Publishers) since 2003. His latest book is called “All the Stories of the Bible,” and is a free downloadable. His CD, Tales of the Journey, contains six embellished Bible stories for adults as well as children.

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Bloomington, IL


Don Falkos

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Don-FalkosDon Falkos is a Storyteller, Storytelling Coach, and Biblical Teaching Artist. He is the founder of Blessed By The Spoken Word, a ministry dedicated to telling the stories of the Bible and empowering others to do the same ( Don is a contributing author to several storytelling books including The Art of Storytelling, by John Walsh. He has presented storytelling workshops and performed at events nationally and internationally. His extensive research and engaging storytelling style allow him to touch the minds and the hearts of his listeners. Don’s Two-Minute Bible is a podcast of two-minute stories that will eventually span the entire Biblical narrative from Genesis to Revelation (

Don has presented storytelling workshops and/or story programs at the:

  • BibleTelling Tour of Israel
  • International Orality Conference
  • National Storytelling Conference
  • Christian Storytelling Conference
  • Northlands Storytelling Conference
  • Sharing the Fire
  • Illinois Storytelling Festival
  • Minnesota Fringe Festival
  • Edgewood College – Journey into Myth


Don’s CDs:

  • The 1956 Chevy Bel Air and other chilling stories
  • In the Beginning – A Chronology of Stories from the Opening Chapters of Genesis
Don is a contributing author to:
  • The Art of Storytelling (2nd edition), John Walsh, 2014
  • Truth That Sticks, Avery T. Willis Jr. and Mark Snowden, 2010
  • Discovering a Place Again for the First Time, Jeff Wild, 2006